I feel like a junkie selling all of my things for crack... I sold my laptop yesterday for 100 euro, depressing seeming it was $1500. Today I sold my old camera bags, 5 euro for both... That´s not even enough money to buy a meal at McDonalds. All is good though, there are less things weighing me down and more room to bring home souvenirs!
Tonight I met a man at the bus stop with a pet goose sitting in the basket of his bike. He was really drunk and tipped over the bike, his goose fluttered out of the bike and started squawking. The man then decided to put the bike back in it´s upright position, forgetting that his goose was tied to the basket by its neck. What followed next was a little bit gruesome. The goose was hanging in the air by its neck, screaming and flapping its wings whilst "Mr Gooseman" drunkenly jabbered on to me in German, oblivious to the fact that his goose was slowly being hung. I had to stop him from talking and point out that his only friend was dying. He then sympathetically grabbed the goose by the neck, shoved it in its´basket and smothered it with his jacket...
Garbage Can
- Untitled
- Finding hidden memories
- Good Vibes in Iceland
- A glimpse of Munich
- street photos
- Radiohead - Planet Telex
- Pawning my stuff
- I´m stuck in Munich for a week; sleeping out of a ...
- my anthem
- A life of travel
- No title
- An Iceberg lake in Iceland. I seriously contemplat...
- Iceland is where it's at. 50 percent of people in ...